Agricultural Value Chain
We pay attention to Agricultural Value-Chains that are funded in Nigeria’s budget, desk reviews and tracks these allocations, alongside, identifying opportunities, which marginalized groups could connect for sustainable livelihoods through agriculture. Some of these Value Chains are:
Honey Value chain, Wheat Value chain, Bush Mango Value chain, Rubber Value chain, Cocoa Value chain, Sognum/Millet Value chain, Nutrition Value chain, Sweet Potato Value chain, Irish Potato Value chain, Rice Value chain, Soya Beans Value chain, Ginger Value chain, Yam Value chain, Shea Butter Value chain, Cowpea Value chain, Cassava Value chain, Fisheries and Aquaculture Value chain, Cotton Value chain, Gum Arabic Value chain, Sugarcane Value chain, Oil Palm Value chain, Cashew Value chain, Kenaf (Jute Bags) Value chain, Horticulture (fruits) Value chain, Maize Value chain, Local Poultry Value chain, Wheat, Millets and Bartley Value chain, etc.
NDEBUMOG is aware agricultural envelopes in budgets, may be used as channel for misappropriations, money laundry and illicit financial flows. These facts justify why attention should be given to agricultural allocations, even as the sector could be used for transformation of lives of millions of people, particularly, youths. NDEBUMOG’s relationship with African Development shall be geared towards using agriculture to generate incomes and employment for youths, among others.